SMA | Re-Opening Phase 2 Starts 6/1 for Adults and 6/8 for Youth!
Hello SMA Students and Parents,
We are excited to announce the start of our second phase of reopening! We have spent the last two weeks monitoring and observing our first phase along with the trends in our community regarding COVID-19. With the health and safety of our students and team at the forefront of our minds we are ready to move into our second phase of reopening. Please watch this video:
Below you will find you will find an infographic explaining all of the details regarding our second phase of reopening. Additionally, you will find our new schedule which, as you can see, looks almost identical to our normal schedule. Please note, as per the suggestion of the local government, our maximum academy capacity will be 40% of our total allowed capacity as per fire codes.
If you account is frozen please know that we will NOT unfreeze your account until we return to 100% normal operation or unless you would like to begin attending during phase 2. Please reach out to a coach if you would like to unfreeze your account and take advantage of our group classes.
The safety of all of our students is our primary focus. Please remember that youth class sizes are limited and will be solo training only for at least the next 2 weeks. If you or your child are not comfortable training in person, we will still be offering virtual classes!
Please send us a message or email to let us know your child will be joining us in class and do make sure to arrive early to sign your new one time waiver!
Youth BJJ (5-13): Youth classes are back! Classes will be shortened to 35 minutes to check in students and to allow for thorough cleanings between classes. Classes will consist of solo drills and techniques for at least the next 2 weeks. Virtual classes will still be available to supplement youth training. Tune in on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15 for our youth virtual class. Should all class spots be filled, overflow classes will be made available - if your child wants to train, they WILL be able to! We suggest students bring an older family member to be their partner, however they may also use one of the academy's grappling dummies or bring their own!
Youth Kickboxing (8-13):Youth kickboxing will return in this phase as well! Students will primarily work solo drills and bag drills. Youth kickboxing students along with youth students with full memberships who are registered for kickboxing may jump in!
Youth BJJ (3-4): Unfortunately, due to the necessity for coach-student interaction, we will not be able to reintroduce our 3-4 year old classes at this time. We hope to start them back after the next two weeks! Thank you for your patience and continued support; we miss our little warriors terribly!
Youth Comp Team and Youth Nogi: These classes will hopefully resume soon after phase 2!
Please be smart - if you feel sick or have been around somebody who is sick STAY HOME. Wash your hands, feet, gi, and belt regularly and thoroughly.
Class caps will be 25. Registering for classes will no longer be necessary. If you are not comfortable coming in to train with partners we will still be offering a BJJ strength and conditioning class on Saturdays at 9am as well as streaming some of our classes online.
BJJ: Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes will start to look a little more familiar. We will be restricting the number of rolling partners but we will be returning to partner training. Classes will resume at their normal times on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday along with our women's class on Friday. Our Friday nogi class will be returning shortly!
BJJ Strength and Conditioning: For those who enjoyed Professor Nate's strength and conditioning classes or are not yet ready to resume partner training, we will be offering a once a week version of this class on Saturdays at 9am right before BJJ. If you like this class, please let us know and we may make it a permanent fixture in our schedule!
Kickboxing: Our kickboxing program will also begin to return to normal. We will once again be able to do partner drills and sparring.
Krav Maga: Krav Maga classes with Jon will resume this weekend! Join Jon in person on Saturdays at 12pm.
Yoga: Kathryn's yoga classes will still be virtual for the next few weeks. Take some time to focus on your flexibility on Saturdays at 11am.
As explained in our video, infographics, and schedule adults will start this new phase on June 1st. Youth students will have a chance to come back to the academy in a safe and controlled manner the following week on June 8th.
We are excited to continue to safely and thoughtfully reopen our academy for our students. Thank you again for your continued support! Please let us know if you have any questions.
See you on the mat!
The SMA Team