SMA | Re-Opening Phase 3 Starts 6/22!
Hello SMA Students and Parents,
Two weeks ago we introduced our second phase of reopening and we are so humbled by the response! Today, we are excited to announce the start of our third (and hopefully final) phase of reopening! This phase will begin this coming Monday the 22nd! In this phase we will see the reintroduction of our 3-4 year old classes along with opt in partner training for our youth classes! With this we will also see the long awaited return of rolling! Please take a moment to watch this video to familiarize yourself with this new phase!
If you account is frozen please know that we will NOT unfreeze your account until we return to 100% normal operation or unless you would like to begin attending during phase 3. Please reach out to a coach if you would like to unfreeze your account and take advantage of our group classes.
The safety of all of our students is our primary focus. Please remember that if you or your child are not comfortable training in person, we will still be offering virtual classes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15pm!
Youth BJJ (3-4): We are excited for the triumphant return of our mighty 3 and 4 year olds! Reach out to a coach to let us know you'll be in class on your normal day and time next week!
Youth BJJ (5-13): We will be reintroducing partner training! With parent permission students may once again train with another student in their class! Family partners are still welcome to attend and grappling dummies will still be available should students not wish to work with other individuals! With this change means the return of rolling! Students who have been paired with other students will get to roll at the end of class. Family partners may also join in if they'd like!
As always please let us know if you have any questions! Thank you for your continued support!
See you on the mat!
The SMA Team