SMA | Anniversary Tournament II
We are quickly approaching our second anniversary (time sure does fly!)
That means it's almost time for our second anniversary tournament! This tournament is going to be held on Saturday, August 5th at 1:00 and as always it is completely FREE!
This is a NO GI tournament, so please wear your SMA shirts or rashguards!
Tournament forms have been sent home. If you have not received a form, please pick one up today! When you have filled out the form, simply drop it into the folder hanging on the board outside of our office.
We are PUMPED for this tournament and hope to have even more participants than our winter tournament!
If this is you or your child's first tournament there is no better way to start learning in a competitive environment than with a friendly in-school tournament! We hope to see you all there!
Remember: You Win or You Learn! (but only if you try!)
The Coaches